Design is the key in the creation of a professional kitchen, as in this preliminary phase it is possible to have a complete overview of the environmental, logistical, safety and structural details of the place concerned, which is why it is essential to rely on professionals. Our designers will take care of devising the best possible solution for your restaurant, taking into account the type of menu proposed, the space available, the number of chefs involved and the local regulations in force, leaving nothing to chance.
Bene In Casa also takes care of designing all the necessary energy, plumbing and electrical systems, thus lightening costs for the customer.

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The Village Bistrot, Sesto San Giovanni

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Fruitex Sàrl, Saxon

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Couronne, Briga

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Bristol Hotel, Leukerbad

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The Village Bistrot, Sesto San Giovanni

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Birrificio, Anzola

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Pastificio Ticinese, Cadenazzo

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Eurospin, Cossato

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